Mellotippet Status Update #3 - A Tale of Fire and Ice

27 Nov 2023

Fire as in Firebase, and ice as in freezed. ;)

This was my plan for the week:

What I actually did this week

It went well although I did not completely follow the plan. What I ended up doing was:

Adding tests for calculeScores after making it idempotent took a lot of effort, but it made me discover bugs and was definitely worth it. An issue I ran into was that all of a sudden all the tests started failing. How strange…

After some investigation I realised that it was because I had reached the usage limits of my firebase test project:

firebase test project usage limit reached

I looked into how much it would cost to upgrade to a blaze plan and keep going. My project is using eur3 which means the cost would only be $0.02 per 100.000 deletes. That’s nothing!

passing tests

Still, I waited until the next day and when I ran the tests they all passed. Nice!

passing tests

I expect to not have to work on calculateScores much more in the future (let’s see if that holds true). The designer has worked hard and I’m thrilled to start implementing her beautiful design, which is what I will do this week.

My plan for next week: